Table of seat Osaka Castle Hall in Osaka City, Osaka


Introducing the Osaka Castle Hall seating chart.

Click here for parking near the Osaka Castle Hall
[Osaka Castle Hall stand seating] ※ you can click each block to see enlarged.

※ You can see the stage pattern A-C images.
  About the arena seats??
  Osaka Castle Hall, unlike other concert halls, setting the stage for each concert
  Because the arena seating also changes thereafter.
  The production reasons and about arena,
  Not so guide in advance, please.
  Arena stage pattern B if a’s next ( stage looking direction )
  And seating approximately 70 columns is located vertical (stage frontage direction) about 60 columns
  In the respondent’s estimate should be considered. (, because a number of exceptions Please note.


System of Government for ticket purchase please click here. [Still time! : Get tickets in the Yahoo auction! ← Click now!
チケットぴあ System of government accommodation here

宿・ホテル予約ならじゃらんnet 楽天トラベル株式会社


[Osaka Castle Hall events calendar]
[Osaka Castle Hall HP]
[Osaka Castle Hall area hotel information]

icon icon Osaka-jō Hall near the hotel search results show icon icon icon Osaka-jō Hall near the hotel search results display icon
 Location: Osaka, Osaka-shi Chuo-ku, Osaka Castle 3-1
  [Map] [/googleMap] [“Osaka Castle Hall googleMap = name”, Osaka Castle Hall


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