Power saving method of refrigerator

Current power is taken positively, should have plenty portion can power home appliances. I introduce power of the refrigerator.

Cool the food is put

High temperature in the refrigerator and put hot left food refrigerator only electricity as well as costly and other foods will become easier to Itami. Let’s let from cool hot things. Annual electricity differ considerably and still hot when die-offs from turning in.

Put the thing on the fridge

Be cool in the refrigerator is from that heat out of the refrigerator.
There are voids around becomes difficult and heat takes electricity. There are many who put flat space at the top of the range, is as much as possible try to avoid things to save power!

“Strong” is “in” settings for refrigerator

“Fridge”is “weak” compared with about 20% of electricity consumption increased.
Let’s set the temperature depending on the amount of food or seasonal diligently. Just “in” to the “strong”, you can save electricity about ¥ 1,000 or more annually.


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