[Travel] representative Shizuoka Prefecture tourist destination and theme list

This is a list of representative Shizuoka Prefecture tourist destination and theme parks.

-Atami spa town Atami Onsen ryokan Japan’s leading spa resort cities, accounted for most of the city’s total revenue. And nationally known in Ozaki’s book “Golden Yasha” Tōkaidō main line runs in the opening of the Tanna tunnel in 1934,, progressed rapidly as Tokyo back parlor.
The main Zoo
Fuji Safari
-Izu BioPark
Cactus Park Izu
-Japan spur Zoo -Hamamatsu Zoo
The main Aquarium
Under the 田海 water aquarium
-Tokai large Maritime Museum -Izu andyland
The main theme
-Sakura Izu’s PAL rice bran face Park
Counterbore dimensions-I’m too
-Hamana Lake PAL
-Mt. Fuji children’s
-Chibi Maruko’s land -Township of the Rainbow


Tea and oranges as is the famous Shizuoka Prefecture.

Come visit and holiday tourism?. System of government travel, stay here

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