[Gardening] to raise flowers cyclamen

Are cyclamen upbringing. Flowers was strong in breeding, so effort is not needed so much.


  1. Note-after purchase Cyclamen bloom is 11-4,. Beautiful flowers bloom from winter and spring, and will add to the garden.
    However, Hardy cyclamen is purchased will need attention. Shifts suddenly to cold garden first, said strong cold, much like people warm rooms will destroy the body.
    First of all, to withstand the cold I’ll note. To thin liquid fertilizer producers ship is given, ahead to become a cold environment gradually from the greenhouse.
    We also ならいましょう it. Arrange tone flower bought from not out for a while. It moved to got freshness of flowers and leaves, dilute liquid fertilizer little by little, low-temperature locations.
  2. Plant / location Is said to cyclamen will kill up to minus 5 degrees, you don’t have to bother to challenge the limits.
    餓えましょう the warm, sunny places. Will balance with other flowers also have don’t like drop-off of frost.
    So flower blooms and might be planted and contrast with other flowers it would be better spring. However, rain garden cyclamen will focus mainly 咲かなく the flowers. Rain do this directly, such as let location.
  3. And over the summer The cyclamen will bloom beautiful spring from winter.
    Instead, I’ll let dormant in summer. Easy way through summer. Reduce nutrient and water gradually from flower end June.
    Then, because of that, remove the bulb after affecting both water and fertilizer allows scooped summer in a cool place. However, taking recent cyclamen breeding, also become stronger increasingly.
    It will bloom even in the summer dormancy instead depending on the condition c. Force 枯らさず to keep growing when. Do not think summer cyclamen too good?


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