The first glass sculpture CUP


Router with an Oriental character izayoi bloom at night and I tried engraved. This time was 100 yen Cup is the Cup shop

Materials required

  • Cup (a cheap market)


  1. I forgot to take passage along the way, sorry. Write the picture or image, first wanted to write a paper print or pattern.
     Been looking for from the NET using the printer. Afterwards, align the size fit cups (materials).
     ’ Turn it off.
     Put the paper inside such as tape.
     So I think and I’m probably suits so far is a self-taught. After that, check around the tip of the small guy, if router pit prepared several types. So carve from the border.
     I would be done separately several times to get used to the router until the last minute to do. Behind the pictures and magenai from it I think and you’re hopefully engraved and square brackets while silhouette as favorite.

Notes and tips

  • So stronger not push routers let


I think and also many want to continue engraved. After thank you


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