Parking around the stadium tastes Tokyo Stadium Chofu City, Tokyo, Japan is the information I summarized.

Please help so tried to summarize the surrounding parking lot taste great stadium (Tokyo Stadium).

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Pocket gardens parking

Parking and Stadium soon became the restaurant city.
   If the event is often can more comfortably.
      Price: restaurant and shop use of Pocket garden
   If you have two hours free.

Parking capacity: 81

Musashino Forest Park parking

Stadium until approximately 10 minutes on foot.
  And stopped about 300 units
   So cheap it recommended.
      Fee: ¥ 300 up to 1 hour
   After 30 minutes per 100 yen
        Parking: parking lot no. 1 171 parking spaces available

2 138 Parking

NOGAWA Park parking

Stadium until approximately 15 minutes walk.
      Fee: ¥ 300 up to 1 hour
   After 30 minutes per 100 yen

Parking: 233 units

Taste great stadium area parking

Tobitakyu 1-Chome (Mitsui repark)
    Stadium until approximately 5 minutes on foot.
       Price: [weekdays] 30 min 100 yen
    [Holiday] 15 minutes / 100 yen Parking units: 11
-Hida supply 1-Chome No. 2 (Mitsui repark)
    Stadium until approximately 5 minutes on foot.
       Price: [weekdays] 30 min 100 yen
    [Holiday] 15 minutes / 100 yen


Parking: 12 units

-Times tobita plumbing 2
    Stadium until approximately 5 minutes on foot.
       Price: 8:00 100 yen
       00: 00-08: 00 60 分, 100 yen
       [Weekdays] one day maximum price: ¥ 1,000
    [Holiday] 1, the biggest fee 1,800 yen

Parking: 16 units http://times-info.NET/map/parkdetails/BUK0014712.html

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