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Japan paper Kleenex Stadium Miyagi parking
Advance reservations are required.
Rate: 1 per 1,500 yen ※ advance the Eagles tickets, 7 – Eleven, Lawson ticket,
Ticket PIA, in one or more of the Rakuten Eagles official store
Need to buy a parking ticket is. http://www.rakuteneagles.jp/ticket/parking/
Multimedia Sendai (Yodobashi)
30 Price: 200 yen
※ 1 Hour service ¥ 1,000 or more info
5,000 Yen more than 2 hours service info
More than 50000 Yen purchase 3 hour service :1,000 parking vehicles http://www.Yodobashi.com/EC/store/map/0058/index.html
Parking is on the Sendai 駅屋
30 Price: 200 yen ( 6:00-10:00 PM )
30 Minute parking 150 yen ( 6:00 ): 335 units http://www.jrbustohoku.co.jp/Enterprise/?Miyagi=01
Parking times
Stadium until 5 minutes on foot.
60 Minutes charge: 100 yen
8:00 Maximum price 900 yen
20:00 Maximum fee 200 yen
Parking: 12 units http://times-info.NET/map/parkdetails/BUK0027405.html
Times-Sendai miyagino-Dori
Stadium 10 minutes on foot.
Price: 8:00 100 yen
20:00, 100 Yen
Parking units: 83 http://times-info.NET/map/parkdetails/BUK0024596.html
-Times tsutsujigaoka No. 5
Stadium until 20 minutes on foot.
Price: 8:00 / 100 yen
20:00 / 100 Yen
Parking: 13 units http://times-info.NET/map/parkdetails/BUK0017499.html