Hiratsuka Athletic Hall seating chart
※ To zoom in, hold down the left mouse button and scroll for more seats available. http://image.PIA.jp/hallmap/HRKJ.html
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Hiratsuka Stadium at HP
Hotel information around the Hiratsuka Stadium

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Hiratsuka Athletic Hall transportation
254-0074, Japan
General Park Management Office 1-1 Ohara, Hiratsuka, Kanagawa Prefecture
Phone: 0463-35-2233
General Park Management Office 1-1 Ohara, Hiratsuka, Kanagawa Prefecture
Phone: 0463-35-2233
FAX: 0463-35-347
http://www.city.Hiratsuka.Kanagawa.jp/Soko/accessmap.htm 1-1 Ohara, Hiratsuka city, Kanagawa Prefecture [“Hiratsuka athletics stadium googleMap = name”, [/googleMap]