[Seating chart] Hitachi Kashiwa soccer stadium Kashiwa city, Chiba Prefecture

Introducing the Hitachi Kashiwa soccer stadium seating chart.

Hitachi Kashiwa soccer field seating Guide

※ Press the expand button you can check each block seating details. http://image.PIA.jp/hallmap/S119.html

Click here for tickets

Click here for accommodation

宿・ホテル予約ならじゃらんnet 楽天トラベル株式会社

Kashiwa reysol game schedule

Hitachi Kashiwa soccer watch map


Location: Chiba, Kashiwa Hitachi units 1-2-50
Phone: 04-7162-2201
  ◯ train
  ◯ Road station. http://www.reysol.co.jp/game/stadium/h-map.php


[googleMap name = > “Hitachi Kashiwa soccer field “, 1-2-50 units, Hitachi Kashiwa-Shi, Chiba Prefecture [/googleMap]


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