Novel-writing second creation


Also try to write a novel, character set also settled. So try the FanFic when don’t you?

And FanFic

Is called a story set to inherit the world, such as making FanFic.
Character, setting, and worldview, Referred to in the original for FanFic also own all.
FanFic is enjoying you can imagine like basically like world development. Parallel deployments to enjoy good, faithful to the original story makes good too.
But it is of course enjoy So make a story using the existing settings suitable to practice.

Determine the synopsis

Basically talk about FanFic even original manufacturing base is the same.
Unlike the original however, FanFic is use existing worldviews.
Depiction of the world, I would not so much.
Will it make what in the world,.
Good to completely different and original, even content that supplements the part of the conversation in the original deployment.
However I don’t think long story from the beginning!
Familiar ones from before even writing as the motivation to eliminate many. Try starting from a short but why?

Let’s post

That still would want to see who is said to write up what is personal.
From is that motivated it. So good it where?
Basically, novel by site?
Because per-site basis by genre popular unpopular, try to find you have peeled yourself.
Also, though not dealing with FanFic by site by because with care.
It catches the arresting title or synopsis, wait it. Also they liked my comments and ratings…
But actually I too much comment.
貰えなくて have a great ability is natural.
But if you mean just like comments, try 2 ch?? How good could comment is bad and also as readily.

Write new

Is written 1 times at the end.
To regularly write new!
Is predictable if you regularly have by the fan.
More fans will easier noting also comments.
If you continue to write various things. Also either original, still without giving up, write well about simplifying it.


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