Novel-writing basic rules

Is easier to have seen sentences due to the spread of the Internet, wrote of his people.
It seems that people write novels has increased. However, minimum rules in fiction is you know? First, remember me rules.

System of Government is the sentence blank Start turn the character min blank. And the composition is the same.
Tuition in the language classroom.
Example )
× Rain fell that day from the morning drizzle. • It was raining drizzle from the morning that day.

System of Government “” the unnecessary spaces at the beginning of the start
Blank and sentence, but “” in when required.
Example ) X “really good at it or not?
」 ○ “really good at it or not? 」

System of Government, and is definitely At the end of the sentence… and you might get.
However, this is a mistake. … But not… To let. … But in what is called 3-point leader,… come and convert. Is this 3 point two readers to the correct shape.

System of Government “” in the end, no punctuation Be seen comparatively more, “” in the last period (. ) is added. But this is a mistake.
“” Period is not needed in the end.
Example ) X “-what does it mean. It overlooked would not.
」 • “What it is. Though overlooked should be no “

System of Government not comma As expression can be used in mail “,” such as end tie a comma there. Of course, is a novel representation of such uses. Will 3 point leader, should be replaced.

?? Drill after the exclamation mark or question mark character, blank Exclamation (! ), mark (? ), of if sentences followed tremors character, blank.
“” And if at the end of the sentence is not required.
Example ) X “silly! Though that you should know even the Secretary!
」 • “An idiot! He is Secretary and even would know it! 」


This is more writing on minimum rules only.
It is still like language teaching. Distinctive expression so previous issues, so let’s master firmly.


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