Although the roller coaster in a bungee jump or an amusement park occurs to taste a thrill easily, how is skydiving?
Although skydiving is usually begun by a tandem (fixed to an upper person by harness), it can fly by itself from the beginning.
Even if it calls it one
- person, two upper persons (instructor) fly together.
Although mist has a place to require in Japan, whether I have you able to fly by myself from the beginning does not understand.
It was the skydiving center in the California city which I experienced.
Probably about 400 drops zones are located in the United States, and it could experience freely.
It cannot be said that flying alone flies immediately in response to a little short courses like a tandem.
Moreover, the license acquisition course of AFF is chosen.
It is useful, when skydiving is pleasing and a license is taken.
although about 15 steps must be passed to acquire a license, if it pays in cash 1 time respectively and I am disagreeable things are made.
Some English language ability needs to give a lecture only because of English.
(I think that there is also a place with Japanese.)
A lecture starts in the morning and it performs practice in a ground.
Finally a written examination occurs.
It will pass, if it is judged that he listens to and understands explanation again even if wrong.
All are passed in the evening and it can leave.
Naturally it carries out on hire [ of the suit at the time of skydiving, a parachute, goggles, etc. ].
Shoes and the glasses for reform are own account.
It flies going abruptly up from an airport by airplane (it was an airplane called オッター at the time of me).
It becomes it tense considerably from this neighborhood.
As for a course called IAD (instructor assistance), two instructor gets in together.
He was U.S. Forces soldier’s part-time job’s instructor at the time of me.
for the first time — it is — it is nervous.
But American instructor comes that it is dismissing in addressing cheerfully.
Since the airplane is flying the door by full open, if an altitude is earned, nature and fart will come out of it.
And when it goes into drops area, instructor is “Are you ready?
Since Skydive” is heard, if OK (stop if fearful.)
Money does not have undue importance.
If the person himself/herself does not fly independently, it pulls and returns for safety.
It goes to the way of the exit from which it is signed and an airplane jumps down.
At this time, an altitude is about 15000 feet from 12000 feet.
Instructor leans out from an one-person exit.
An experience person is inserted right in the middle, signs one instructor “check-out” and “OK” at one more “check-in” and “OK” person’s instructor, and runs out to Go!! and empty.
(Since I think that this exit method changes with airplanes, let’s often listen to explanation)
Between free-falls (it has fallen) until it opens a parachute for the point to be checked etc. which were practiced on the ground
It carries out to a two instructor partner.
And if there is a signal, a rip cord will be pulled and a parachute will open.
During this period until it jumps out of an airplane and opens a parachute is about 1 minute.
Although it is 1 minute of fear, while continuing, it changes invigoratingly.
After a parachute opens, since instructor does not bring close, he only already has getting down by oneself.
Invigoration could be tasted from the first time, after free and a parachute open.
A parachute is
which pulled the code by hand or was loosened.