When windows7 will be two solutions

Describes the method of dealing with windows7 will appear two starts.


  1. First, in the start menu, administrative tools command prompt.

    Right-click and select run as administrator.
    Enter ‘bcdedit’ and so black window will open.

    Because on the screen appear in English straws and make sure the content.
    Windows boot manager’s ‘default’ and ‘displayorder’ is first to confirm.

    make sure ‘displayorder’ is two things.
    Verify the Windows boot loader ‘identifier’.
    Although different from those identified in the Windows boot manager’s ‘default’

    Should be 2.
    Bcdedit/delete [differs in the default]-keyboard And then press Enter.
    {} Even as neatly.

    Increasingly successful ish error message did not occur.
    Type bcdedit and once again is “Windows Boot Manager display order’

    See what going on line. …….
    Windows boot manager’s ‘default’ is the [current] …….
    ‘Identifier’ of the Windows boot loader [current] and [ntldr] …….
    (Legacy OS loader would boot loader in Windows 7 is the same thing) …….
    So in this case typing would bcdedit/delete {ntldr} ……. Windows boot manager’s ‘displayorder’ shy in line after running a successful


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