Land of the Desi award! How to watch the sky deals

Date of Desi of finally had it.
If you bought a terrestrial TV and the recorder. Is it alone, watch the sky are the deals!

The first 16 days try!

Do you was it purchased in Desi enabling TV and recorder?
WOWOW and sky 観れます easy, huh.
However, money is raised to contract.
How to watch without any money.
Free 観れます 16 days if registered first, try it!
Pat is not like so, think is releasing little few hours, even more than 16 days hear talk.
Actually, my more tightly 16, had the free viewing period have little feel.
Watch summer and Gutsy period It can be 16 days is the first recording, watching many holidays at luxury ~ ♪

Sky Open Day

Free viewers are granted 16 days?
It is so doing commercials… right, it is obvious it.
Strangers and surprising, it is often [sky opening Day].
Ended 16 days of free viewers to deal with, of course 観れません the sky.
But coming on the first Sunday each month at [sky opening Day]
Some shows even contract it is watch!
Watch the program changes due to time
Sports Takarazuka, variety film, anime, and I quite open. EH-? What is いいん?
Because when you say show lineup
Remember this, it is necessary to check a program!
Enjoy it, even taking it.
Further, in the past such as GW and summer overall hiatus, when many people are 3, Continuous open! It may be, so the legume is check!

Petit information ☆ 16 days of trial sign up too.

First, we are among the 16 trial period
I think form that contains together bought a TV or tuner.
You can request official site.
However, be able to sign up for more deals!
Now, to 16-day free subscription in Sy
Special page of optimism over campaign you get 200 points have been made!
Also called point site in
And a free application but there doing benefits can I get the point!
Watch free to come and try to find it 貰っち points!
What deals can try! → Rakuten with campaign page to see


We have no idea or catch the s
2011 Will be free opening DAY, lol.
My point is, campaigns and
These information are 7/14/2011 now.
Content changed, all close by the award. Be sure when you sign up, please apply at your own risk.



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