[Comic] spin-off was to ‘mahojin guru’


Is will it not strangers ‘mahōjin guru’ and as a GA fantasy? Already story was complete, what is man of legend have spinoff’s protagonist.

‘Mahōjin that predominate as GA fantasy’.
Is will have already concluded, it is what spin-off works.
Legend of the man is protagonist it……. So, man of the legendary and Kita Kita oyaji. “Mai Yong transfer kitakita’ also comics titles
Spin-off stories is after the termination of the main world. Are longs from the brave boy Chiki trip adventures with Kita Kita oyaji. Of course, Kita Kita oyaji main a decent adventure does not mean. Darker story than gags be waged.
For now, come up here, I want to read it is serialized where? And I will.
Wow, is reading this on the net. It is Square Enix magazines of GANGAN ONLINE site.
It is serialized.

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