Wandering journey

People like especially wandering people who like to travel Tips to more fun wandering!

Materials required

  • 宿する sleeping bag and wild courage


  1. Determine the goals of wandering travelers want or not, can I start? I’m wandering exactly where to go or suspense, without lodging with sleeping time.
    ( need money w )
    Also just decided to road on the other hand, may or nothing usual landscape also among the first
    I think new scenery comes each came round the corner came gradually and don’t know where,
    Wandering I enjoy it so far and I think. I would also thrill of HAZMAT is homeless, and also looking it in situ or not, or enjoy

Notes and tips

  • The extra money
  • Spare time doing ( return or wondering because )
  • Warm night to draw cold


I think is quite ignorant to go wandering fun.
So I think fun and they do not prepare the eye-popping House going. If try in this way w


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