System English words studying law

It is one of the commonly used in the examination and the system Word English word book. We will continue to write its recommended usage


  1. Is that true first all English word book
    “1St 10 words perfectly, let’s”
    And way it is a mistake!
    Rather it is this way also had a human brain with time consuming way and So one day remembers the 200 words, one word over 30 seconds is recommended way is very efficient
  2. The 1, 200 word safe?
    I also said that
    It is going to review it is important.
    I think and review the next day as a way, one week after review and review one month after that.
    1 Times the human brain has forgotten, and settle in the review also thinned and review one month later Is repetitive and to settle them into
  3. CIS think better is simply the CD separately, it is good.
    Retention rate improves dramatically by using the five senses. Please buy a try!

Notes and tips

  • Admissions problem writing problem people remember the spelling to remember words absolute write notes


Word is studying to do every day.
So I think good time breezes bath during the recess the train car, little words and study. Good luck with your students!


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