Make a dog raincoats plastic umbrella [idea] that is no longer needed

From the vinyl umbrellas, or damaged, has no
Make the “for Mac” Is the effective ideas.

Materials required

  • You no longer need vinyl umbrella
  • Scissors & cutters
  • Magic tape
  • Vinyl tape
  • Adhesive


  1. Remove plastic umbrella frame parts and vinyl only.
  2. 10 Cm diameter circle cuts the central part of the vinyl. And extend the open holes of solid.
  3. Cut the two octagonal vinyl out, Please disconnect while adjusting length according to the part of the tail and the dog’s head.
  4. Controls the remaining vinyl filled circular holes, Tight seal with glue.
  5. 2 Points before and after the opening part of the give the magic tape.
    And posted the contours of the Velcro was stopped under the girth of the dog. It is finished!

Notes and tips

  • Please try to arrange in conjunction with the size of the dog.
  • With various coloured vinyl tape becomes fashionable raincoats.


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