Earthquake information music industry East Japan earthquake charity information


music world.
Many are performed.
I would like to summarize what is made but from now on.
■ The distribution new song “Thank you for your love” is contributed for a profit as a contribution through [ all ] the Japanese Red Cross Society for GLAY and an earthquake disaster charity song during distribution from May 5.
[Method] A musical piece is purchased from a PC site or mobile site.
[URL] [amount of money] 200 yen?
Moreover, the pattern is due to hold the 1st phase charity live of an earthquake disaster reconstruction assistance plan at the Osaka Castle concert hall on May 5, and to be broadcast by FM 802″BUGGY CRASH NIGHT” from 22:00 on Sat., May 21.
■ GReeeeN collects a photograph for free distribution of a charity project initiation new song “Green boys” from a start and the more general one, and performs music video work of “Green boys.”
[Method] The application of download and a photograph is more possible than “work of a music video” of PC site.
(As soon as an application becomes a constant) end schedule [URL] [The amount of money] 0 yen
■ an East Japan great earthquake charity album “eye — having obtained — ” — universal — the album in which 79 music affiliation Japanese music 79-set artists were mentioned.
A profit is contributed for the Japanese Red Cross Society as a contribution.
[Method] Purchase is more possible than iTunes Store.
* It becomes a limited time offer by April 2, 2011 ? September 30.
[URL] — [ — The amount of money 3,000 yen (including tax) ]
■ the musical piece of the Western music musician who loves supremely 38 sets of Japan, such as East Japan great earthquake charity album “SONGS FOR JAPAN” Lady GAGA, was recorded — seeing two pieces — an album.
The sale start of the domestic board CD is carried out from May 4, and all earnings are contributed to the Japanese Red Cross Society.
[Method] Specification and a price change by various online shops, such as iTunes Store, Amazon, and HMV, with * sales parts which can be purchased.
iTunes (download): All the 38 music (1,500 yen)
US board : All the 37 music (1,165 yen 4 / 27 present, and those with change)
* “David Guetta – When Love Takes Over” unrecorded *8P booklet (nothing [ words ])
Japanese board: All the 37 music (2,000 yen)
* “David Guetta – When Love Takes Over” un-recording.
* With a Japanese version booklet (music description / words, and bilingual inclusion of all the 37 music)



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