Recommended animal comics like PoYo Poyo observation diary

CAT does not collect animal and pet lovers, has poll, PoYo Poyoobservation diary in the leading role. If you don’t know, let’s by all means check.

PoYo Poyoobservation of Nikki and Hideki Rou serialized ‘manga life’, ‘Mr. draw manga life MOMO’ is a four-frame comic. Draw round. Fasce cat POO living is a daily comic.
Cat POO is lovely and the charm of this work has come to. The cat invisible… Or rather invisible creatures round cat.
This adorable appearance will charm unique to comics. But the charm of this comic is not the only poll. Like their POO around a cat, like the poll. Vividly portrayed in the lovely pictures and delight as well.
Smile we published episode 1 free videos official channels. So a 3-minute animation, is to try to see it.
POO charm, come try buy the hardcover?? widgets


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