Travel to Akita Prefecture’s recommended accommodation

The introduction of the featured hotels when you travel to Akita.

Akita view hotel

So, Akita view hotel, may walk from JR Akita station, 3 minutes walk
Of the people, especially using the Shinkansen, JR, who came to travel to Akita
I think best accommodation, very much.
You can choose our rooms, according to the number of people.
Peaceful rooms, very chic and grown-up atmosphere.
So, is extremely cozy space hotel

Here is the recommended travel to Akita stayed. icon icon Akita view Hotel details it’s Orchid, see


OGA cherry island resort HOTEL Kirara?

OGA cherry island resort HOTEL Kirara or the
 Featured accommodation overlooking the Japan Sea to is.
Food can taste the taste of seasonal seasons,

You can fully enjoy the sea Japan Sea also. icon icon OGA cherry island resort HOTEL Kirara or of details it Orchid, see



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