Diet effective skinny legs

Legs are thick and no I’m gonna!
Skinny legs and mini clothing wear!
What diet how to say how effective skinny legs I think with broadly written!

Skinny thighs ☆ ☆
-Around the thighs 1 Sleeping back bending the knee of the leg, turn to the soles of the feet ceiling.
(2) Close leg bent by hand to body as much as possible. Opposite leg as well.

Overall, thighs (1) Still slept with both hands spread back legs up and cross in the higher position.
(2) Spread legs large left and right. When they return to the cross (1) and the opposite leg on.

Skinny calves ☆ ☆
Wide-calves (1) Raise the legs while supporting the upper hands, bend the knees.
(2) Push heels over while maintaining perpendicular to the angle of the stomach and thigh.
Skinny legs ☆ ☆
Whole leg (1) Open the foot shoulders.
(2) Standing in heels, stand on your toes. Repeat this several times.


Also, to jump, sleeping back 100 ° to 90 ° angle of the legs and body and edges foot 20 minutes to 10 minutes wall weight or think is no. 1 that they have variously, his continued. If people look at this article and try and nice!
Everybody’s We help you diet is (^ ^)


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